Monday, April 9, 2012

Egg jokes

    Advanced egg jokes: Pääsiäispatukka (Easter bar) and Isännän muna (egg that belongs to the man of the house).

There is one thing in the Finnish Easter traditions that you don't need to adopt: the egg jokes. Eggs have their place in the Easter traditions, but the whole thing boils down to the double meaning of Finnish word muna, egg: muna translates to egg, but it also refers to male equipment. And that's where the jokes emerge. One of the most common egg joke is to wish for munarikasta pääsiäistä, egg-rich Easter, especially for ladies. Or to warn "don't have too much egg, because it can make your belly to rise for several reasons".

I don't have anything against dirty jokes, in fact, I like dirty jokes. What bothers me with the egg jokes is the way people tell them. Egg jokes are usually told by people who are not exactly natural born comedians. They tell the egg jokes in such way as if they were the funniest jokes in the history of the humankind, and as if they were the first persons in the world who realized that egg has a double meaning in Finnish language. Of course those jokes are funny when you're teenager, but I'd expect a bit more from adults' jokes.

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